Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone! We have had way too much fun preparing for the holidays, the little people are really starting to understand Christmas, both the fun Santa and snowman stuff as well as the birth of Jesus. Hilton and Keala both really got into the fun holiday baking, making the gingerbread house and cookies. Keala's job on the cookies was the flour and there was plenty of flour to go around. They both ate as many of the decorations as the put on, leading to a sugar high frenzy! Keala decided to name two of her cookies for her Papa and Aunt Ellen, they were very happy and honored. Life is so much fun with the kids so excited, we can't wait to share the fun of the season. We all hope your season is filled with the joy and wonder that only Christ can bring.

Too Much Sugar!

Hilton's 1st Gingerbread ManAnd Keala is a pro now!

She becoming a her mommy
Hilton ate most of the candy
She said this one was Aunt Ellen
Our little boy is growing up!

Keala wanted all of us to have a apron on!
She had way to much fun with the flour
Mommy and her little helpers! Daddy and his sugar high munchkins
Super Keala and Hilton decorating

Isn't he adorable?
They did such a good job!!!