Friday, May 15, 2009

Craziest kids on the planet! (what planet did the come from?)

Just a few random pictures to give everyone a view into the lives of our crazy kids. They do so many goofy things every day. Hilton likes dressing himself, but is not coordinated enough to get his own clothes on so he uses Keala's. These pictures will come in useful someday!!!

Mama's day

We had mother's day a couple of days early, since DiRon had to work Sunday. Hailee got lots of fun presents, pink tulips picked out by Lolly and dinner of her choice made by Daddy. Everything worked great, especially since all the food except the coleslaw could be done on the grill. We all ate so much that dessert had to wait for the next day. Daddy, Keala and Hilton each made their own card for mommy as well. Thanks so much for everything you do for all of us!!