Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone! We have had way too much fun preparing for the holidays, the little people are really starting to understand Christmas, both the fun Santa and snowman stuff as well as the birth of Jesus. Hilton and Keala both really got into the fun holiday baking, making the gingerbread house and cookies. Keala's job on the cookies was the flour and there was plenty of flour to go around. They both ate as many of the decorations as the put on, leading to a sugar high frenzy! Keala decided to name two of her cookies for her Papa and Aunt Ellen, they were very happy and honored. Life is so much fun with the kids so excited, we can't wait to share the fun of the season. We all hope your season is filled with the joy and wonder that only Christ can bring.

Too Much Sugar!

Hilton's 1st Gingerbread ManAnd Keala is a pro now!

She becoming a her mommy
Hilton ate most of the candy
She said this one was Aunt Ellen
Our little boy is growing up!

Keala wanted all of us to have a apron on!
She had way to much fun with the flour
Mommy and her little helpers! Daddy and his sugar high munchkins
Super Keala and Hilton decorating

Isn't he adorable?
They did such a good job!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

More from Mr. Crazy Sleeper

Migratory sleep patterns of the North American 2 year old

Our little man never holds still, even when he sleeps! We decided to start taking pictures of various sleeping positions we have found him in, all of these taken in the last month. The most amazing part is, in each photo, he is sound asleep. We have no idea how long he had been like that, or how long he would have stayed if we hadn't put him back in bed. This kid is the only person I know who can get a full body workout while sleeping, what a multi-tasker already.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boy, have we been busy.

Boy, have we been busy!! O.k. maybe it was just lazy, but no new blog updates for quite some time, so here it goes. Father's day was a lot of fun, especially with so much time off work, just one four hour shift over 5 days. Since it was raining in Western Washington and campsites were booked in the eastern half, we decided to camp in the parents courtyard. We had a covered section for the tent, open spaces for the kids bikes, a bbq for food and s'mores and a list of things to do. Nana bought a zoo membership, so we went twice, taking Auntie KT with us one time. We went to a special sneak preview of Ice Age 3D, amazing and hilarious at the same time. Daddy got spoiled with a special breakfast and dinner, lots of presents and time to relax as well.

The fourth of July was spent at Jared and Ashlee's new place at his parents house. Lots of toys for the kiddos to play on and lots of fireworks to look at. Otherwise, we have spent lots of time enjoying the sun, going for walks and running in the sprinkler. Our new garden has also been a joy once we taught Hilton the difference between good plants and weeds. It has been fun for all of to watch everything but the tomatoes grow. We have already gotten to enjoy the cilantro and basil, with peppers, zuccinni, squash, peas and carrots growing fast. Please little tomatoes, join the party, then we can make lots of salsa!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Craziest kids on the planet! (what planet did the come from?)

Just a few random pictures to give everyone a view into the lives of our crazy kids. They do so many goofy things every day. Hilton likes dressing himself, but is not coordinated enough to get his own clothes on so he uses Keala's. These pictures will come in useful someday!!!

Mama's day

We had mother's day a couple of days early, since DiRon had to work Sunday. Hailee got lots of fun presents, pink tulips picked out by Lolly and dinner of her choice made by Daddy. Everything worked great, especially since all the food except the coleslaw could be done on the grill. We all ate so much that dessert had to wait for the next day. Daddy, Keala and Hilton each made their own card for mommy as well. Thanks so much for everything you do for all of us!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter and Cars

Even though the weather wouldn't cooperate, we all had a great easter. Lots of decorations, dying easter eggs with Lolly, special easter cookies and an egg hunt at Nanna and Bampa's. Hilton has a new love in his life too, Papa has a '78 Corvette he's trying to sell. It is the coolest thing our little man has ever seen, he practically growls CAR whenever he sees it!! We are in soooo much trouble 14 years from now. DiRon got to go to a Mariners game with Todd, Kaitlin and Lacie, great seats and lots of fun. Hailee has been getting crafty lately, making cards for everyone and decorating the bulletin boards. We also got to have a fun weekend alone for our church's marriage conference. We love our little people, but breaks are wonderful times to remind us we are (sort of) grownups.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hilton's first haircut

Well, mommy finally got brave with the scissors and gave our mini man his first haircut. The curls are fun, but were getting to be long and unmanagable (although it was always fun to see what it would look like after a nap). If he's anything like daddy the curls are gone for good, but he's trying to look like a little man.